In this post we dive deep into determining your aura colors with Cassie Uhl who's Understanding Auras, Your Handbook to Seeing, Reading, and Protecting Your Aura Book is in the December 2020 Aura Protection Box (SOLD OUT). If auras are new to you don't fret, let’s touch on what an aura is first!
What is an aura?

Your aura is an energetic field that surrounds your body and connects to a larger part of your energy body called the subtle body system. Your subtle body contains your nadis, chakras, and your aura. Though each part of your subtle body system is connected, your aura is unique because it’s the most outward-facing part of your physical and energetic body. Your aura is always your first “hello” to a new person or space.
Primary Aura Colors

Everyone comes into this world with one or two primary aura colors. This idea throws people off sometimes because auras are often depicted as multi-colored, ever-changing orb. Here’s the truth, both of the previous statements are true!
Your aura consists of several layers, seven, to be exact. The second layer of your aura, or the emotional layer, changes colors with your moods. Your aura as a whole consists of one or two dominant colors; these are your primary aura colors. Your primary aura colors are similar to your zodiac sun sign in that they help explain why you’re here and what your strengths are.
How to Determine Your Aura Color

There are so many ways to determine your primary aura colors. The best method in fact is to use your intuition. Not everyone can see auras and learning to see auras can take a bit of time, but everyone can learn how to intuit auras.
There are quizzes available and aura readers, but these tools can sway your intuition and detract from your inner wisdom. The simplest way to start intuiting your aura color(s) is through meditation. Here’s a short meditation to begin intuiting your aura color(s).
Aura color meditation
- Set aside 10-30 minutes somewhere you won’t be disturbed.
- Take a comfortable seat and close your eyes.
- Begin focusing on your breath. Notice each of your inhales and each exhales.
- Once you feel centered, ask aloud or in your mind, “reveal my aura color” or “show me what color my aura is.”
- Be open to sensations that may arrive. We all receive extra-sensory information differently, so information about your aura color could present as an inner knowing, seeing color in your mind, or hearing a color spoken in your mind.
- Trust any intuitive information you receive.
- Stay in meditation for 10-30 minutes focusing on your aura color.
- Optional: draw, color, or journal about your experience after you finish when your experience is still fresh in your mind.
If you don’t experience anything, that’s ok. Just try another day again.
Aura Color Meanings

The first thing most people want to know after learning about their aura color is what it means! Here’s a quick explanation for some of the most common primary aura colors.
- Red: Intense and savors the physical world.
- Orange: Sensual adventure seeker.
- Yellow: Loves learning and tends to be cheerful.
- Green: Heart-centered healer.
- Blue: Inspiring mover and shaker.
- Indigo: Outspoken but sensitive feeler.
- Violet: Intuitive and spiritual.
Find more in-depth explanations for these aura colors and more in Understanding Auras, Your Handbook to Seeing, Reading, and Protecting Your Aura. in the December 2020 Aura Protection Box (SOLD OUT).

Cassie Uhl is an artist, author, empath, and the lead Goddess of her business Zenned Out. She created Zenned Out with the mission to build a brand that normalizes spirituality. Her goal is to offer accessible information to enable you to understand a variety of spiritual practices and put them into action! Learn more about Cassie and her new book series at
For more goddess goodies sign up for your own magical box here!
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*Photos 1,2,4, and 6 by Zenned Out