Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual

A Burning Bowl Ritual can be done alone or with a close group of good friends or family. It is both simple and powerful and will cleanse your mind and spirit. You need not wait for a special occasion to release the past and create change in your life. Each day is a new opportunity to live in the present and be the architect of your earthly experience. 


Ground Yourself

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

To set the tone for your ritual, take a few moments to mediate and clear your mind of the chatter. Do some deep breathing, listen to your favorite meditative music, or chant. You can burn a candle or incense to help yourself relax and open your mind to the messages of your Higher Self. 

Go Deeper

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

When your mind is calm and you feel a sense of peace and openness, begin to ask yourself what is no longer serving you. Which parts of your life are causing you dis-ease or discomfort? How is the past holding you back from the life you desire? This can include (but is not limited to) certain people, behaviors, limiting beliefs, or habits.

Write it Down

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

Use your favorite pen to write all of these things down on separate pieces of paper. There can be as many or as few as you'd like. Just write what flows from you naturally. The practice of writing these down is a humble way to recognize  how we hold ourselves back by allowing space for that which doesn't serve us. By acknowledging these things, we can prepare ourselves to release them. 

Let it Go

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

Once you've written down what you are ready to release, use a candle or lighter to set them alight and place them in a fire safe bowl (glass or metal). You can also add sage or other herbs to your bowl to allow for extra cleansing energy. As you watch your paper burn, speak an affirmation aloud. You can say whatever comes to mind but something like "I release this from my past, which no longer serves me. I forgive myself and create space for the highest good for all. And so it is."

Invite the New

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

As you release the past, call in the future you desire. What do you want more of in your life? What are you making space for? How can you show up as your best self? What do you want to feel, experience, or manifest? Let your imagination run wild here. Don't allow sneaky thoughts of fear or doubt to stop you from thinking BIG. You are limitless; Goddess and the Universe are just waiting in your corner to help you achieve more than you can dream. Write it all down.


Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

Release that which you are calling into the fire, just as you did with what was holding you back. As you watch your intentions burn, say out loud what you are inviting into your life. Watch the smoke rise up as a message to the Universe that you are ready for its guidance and support. 

Make Moves

Release the Past with a Burning Bowl Ritual by Goddess Provisions

Complete your ceremony by considering what small steps you can take to create change. Can you take the time to meditate every day? Can you apply for that job you were too afraid you wouldn't get? Can you set a boundary with a friend who has been draining your life force? These don't need to be huge, life altering changes. Small, simple steps can create a ripple effect that will eventually lead to enormous transformation. Make a list and start making changes every day and then watch your desires begin to manifest. 


We hope you enjoyed this post. We'd love to hear about your Burning Bowl Ritual on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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