A Simple Yet Effective Space Clearing Ritual

A Simple Yet Effective Space Clearing Ritual

Balancing our Inner and Outer Worlds

One of the most important things you can do in life is choose to live with INTENTION. 

When you create the habit of consciously focusing on your life vision, your dreams, and your desires, life flows more easily. Repeated reminders to yourself of your intention creates consistency, gently reinforces your determination and gives a sense of direction to where you want to go. 

When we align what our soul, mind and body longs for, the flow of life becomes smooth, like surfing a wave of ease and helpful energy. Life suddenly starts producing synchronicity! Have you ever experienced times of having the sensation that things happen easily and then, (without a specific reason) the sensation passes? Wouldn’t it be great to somehow understand and create more of that sensation of ease and flow, instead of having it come and go without you knowing why? We’d like to share a simple tool that powerfully influences yourself and your environment to consciously allow more ease and flow in your life. 

The elements to gather for this space cleansing:


Take some minutes to be quiet and clear your mind...breathe deep and calmly. Take your attention off anything else. Be present...feel your feet on the ground, focus on your breath coming in and out.

A win-win mentality 

Who other than you will benefit from a clearer feeling in the space? Set the intention they will experience the positive impact, too?

The Space

Go to the space you want to clear and harmonize. Sit or stand comfortably. 

Gratitude and Openness 

Let yourself be guided by your intuition.

Balipura Space Clearing Spray 


If you share the space with other people you can invite them to participate - simply explain what your intention is and allow them to contribute in their own way. They might want to express their own intentions.

The Space Clearing Ritual

Welcome! If you have never performed 'a ritual’ before, don’t get all up in your head about it...it’s simply a deliberate act of focus for something you desire.

Intention, prayer, a wish or whatever alternate name you’re comfortable with, these minutes are a time to focus on a clear intention in your mind's eye of what kind of energy you would like to invite to flow in this space. 

Some helpful ideas are: expansion, peace, stability, love, harmony, joy, courage, inspiration, awareness…you get the idea. 

Repeating a soothing mantra (a positive, inspiring statement you slowly repeat to yourself a few times). Some personal favorites are:  

“I allow presence and space for my personal energy field to flow here free of mental baggage.”

“I love feeling organized and productive.”

“Cleanse this space and make it clear, only good may enter here.”

… find the words that resonate with you.

We encourage you to hold the Aura Spray in between your hands and take 3 to 5 deep breaths, feeling present in the moment. Take some distance from your thoughts; imagine new vibes flowing in and moving anything stagnant or heavy energy away and out through your feet into the earth. Feel the intention radiating from your heart, circulating around your whole body to your hands and blending with the Aura Space Clearing Spray bottle. Take a few moments to settle into this feeling, and it summarize into 1 to 3 words.

Balipura space clearing spray

Now that you identified the vibe in words, go to the entrance of the room. Stand outside the open door and spray the Space Clearing Aura Spray in the doorway. Once inside, close the door and start walking in a clockwise direction, repeating those words as you spray all around the room. Remember to include corners and areas where no-one walks much (under the bed and behind furniture). One spray every few paces (or as you feel is needed) is sufficient. 

Breathe in the calming lavender, energizing lemon, clearing clary sage and grounding sage essential oils each time you spray Space Clearing Spray - they are all working together with you to establish a higher and lighter vibration in your space. In combination with pure and sacred volcanic spring water, the mist brings the element of nature to your surroundings.

Balipura space clearing spray

Smile, feel grateful for this process and continue until you cover the whole area and find yourself back again at the door. 

Perhaps complete your ritual with a closing affirmation such as “So it is, and it is so”. Out loud repeat THANK YOU three times. 

Take a few moments to savor this time of connection, expansion and clarity - smile and celebrate your decision and dedication to leading a life full of joy and clarity!

Repeat this ritual whenever you feel the space needs a ‘brightening up,' or perhaps as changes take place in your home or work life. A Space Clearing Ritual can be performed in your home or in the spaces where you work or create. Setting up a small shrine or altar is another way to anchor and increase the vibration in a space, looking at it is a subconscious reminder of the intentions you have set. You can always apply the Spray on your Altar.

And for on-the-go energy resets, I use Space Clearing Aura Spray before and after I do yoga or meditation or after meetings. I also often stand in my bedroom after a day outside in the busy-ness of the world, spray the mist above my head and feel the sensation of ‘coming home.' It grounds me back into my personal, nurturing environment.  

Clearing Space With the Full Moon

The Space Clearing Aura Spray begins its journey in our production center. The water used within the spray comes from the Gunung Agung volcano, which is full of minerals and energetic life force. When the water is gathered, electronics stay behind, and we always make sure to maintain inner happiness around the volcano. When a Full Moon occurs, we take this water and have the honor of having our High Priestess in the community come to our ceremony to give the final healing touches to Balipura products as she connects them to higher realms of healing. Every Full Moon, she prays for a few hours with special water that she brings with her. This water is a collection of 7 waters from 7 sacred springs in Bali. She fills the water with fresh flowers and coconut water and recites mantras while she infuses and activates the water. It's with this sacred water that she blesses Balipura Products! We are very blessed to have her guidance and support.

Before the Full Moon ceremony, we have a daily carer of our spray, who is in charge of clearing the workspace. Before we enter the production facility, we cleanse ourselves with our Space Clearing Spray and Palo Santo. Everyone entering our production space should be relaxed and in good spirits! No phones or electronics are allowed inside. We also have incense and Gayatri Mantra running 24/7 in our production area, in addition to Palo Santo, Sage cleansing, Sound baths & Balinese offerings that are done on a daily basis to activate the water. Our carer also sets the distribution of the crystals and fresh flowers for the transfer of energy method we have developed in Balipura. In our Balipura temple, we pray three times a day to keep the energy of the production space, balance our emotions and ask permission from the land to carry us and the products we make.

Balipura space clearing spray

A clear space is a clear mind! May your sacred spaces be a reflection of the clarity and harmony you intend to live from the inside out! 

You’re welcome to reach out to us to ask any questions, or share your own personalized space clearing techniques and results. Thank you for becoming part of our Balipura Aura Spray community!

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