Every crystal is unique and holds its own special properties and energy. There are several crystals that connect with the energy of the moon and can help you through each lunar transit.
Here are 8 crystals for each moon phase:
New Moon + Labradorite

Trust the beauty of labradorite to bring forth a New Moon awakening within you. As you close out and begin a new lunar cycle, labradorite allows for great transformation to take place by revealing the light in you. Hold this crystal as you begin manifesting new cycles and goals.
Waxing Crescent + Carnelian
The Waxing Crescent phase is where positive change can start to occur. Carnelian will give you the courage to keep going and embrace this change. This crystal has strong manifestation powers and can help you ground as you do your inner work.
First Quarter + Jasper
The power of jasper is not to be mistaken. As you're working towards your goals, this empowering stone will help guide you onwards by protecting your spirit, warding off negative energy, and enforcing confidence.
Waxing Gibbous + Rainbow Moonstone
This magical stone heightens divine feminine energy. Rainbow moonstone can also provide spiritual protection that will help you to stay grounded and positive as you shift with the moon's energy. A perfect match for the Waxing Gibbous, a rainbow moonstone will support you on your journey while preparing you for the Full Moon. Charge this stone under the moon’s light and meditate with it to strengthen your connection to intuitive wisdom. Rainbow moonstone combines the strength and beauty of labradorite and traditional moonstone, making it an absolute powerhouse!
Full Moon + Selenite
Selenite's powers match the Full Moon's energy perfectly. Radiating positivity, joy, and inner peace, you can expect selenite to repel all negative energy. With selenite nearby, you can embrace all of the Full Moon's healing energy with glory (and none of the crazy). Named after Selene, the Lunar Goddess, this is the best crystal to accompany this lunar phase.
Waning Gibbous + Bloodstone
This phase of the moon is all about releasing what no longer serves you and bloodstone can support you as you let go. This stone helps you to live in the moment, release any negativity and bring in peace. This powerful stone can also help you to realize your highest calling by stimulating the heart chakra.
Last Quarter + Fluorite
This phase of the moon encourages new beginnings and fluorite can help you achieve clarity and balance as you refresh your goals. Fluorite can also assist us with detoxing our mind and energy so that we can be in a harmonious union with joy.
Waning Crescent + Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is all about self-love. Giving yourself the compassion, love, and care to wind down with the Waning Crescent moon. This phase allows us to release the old and bring forth the new. Rose quartz will show you your worth, restore harmony, and provide a sense of calm as you enter the next phase of life.