How To Connect With Your Ancestors & Intuition

How To Connect With Your Ancestors & Intuition

The ability to communicate with souls that have passed over is not a special gift that only a few people have; it's a gift we ALL have. The only difference is not many of us use that gift. This is one reason why we wrote our first book, Your Intuition Led You Here, to show you how through specific rituals. You can powerfully tap into Higher Consciousness and the Self, along with the other energies that exist alongside you in this world.

What is The Gift?

We here at the House of Intuition have several names for "The Gift," but the one that we resonate the most with is our very own "Super Power." Our ability to connect with energies around us is very possible and can fulfill a void in your life that compares to no other connection that the living can offer. Not to mention the sense of protection and the feeling of never being alone to deal with the ebbs and flows of life.

Over the years, the two of us have developed a very real relationship with our ancestors, angels, and Spirit. We talk to them, we pray to them, we make offerings to them on our altar. Not only do we feel that this enhances the power of our ritual and intentions, but it also serves as a constant reminder that we are connected to something much bigger than ourselves. This can happen in so many different ways—it might be through electricity, doors opening or closing, meaningful objects appearing or disappearing, a waft of perfume, or a meaningful song playing on the radio at just the right moment. However Spirit shows up for you, the most important thing is to acknowledge it when it happens.

They are here for you, if only you ask. In addition to requesting their help when necessary, also be sure to express love and gratitude on a regular basis.

So, How Do You Tap Into This Super Power?

One deep way of connecting is through ritual practice. Rituals can help you stay focused on your intention and also have a buildup of energy that you can feel when in practice. A few rituals for your ancestors can be a combination of your intention, altar-building, cooking a special meal, or candle burning. We share with you this ritual below, excerpted from our book.


The books used in this blessing represent a staircase leading up to the gates of heaven. With this blessing, you are lifting your ancestors up to those gates.

We do this blessing all the time. In fact, next to Alex’s Anxiety Bath, this is probably the most frequently performed ritual in our home. On holidays, all of our ancestors get fed before we do as part of this blessing. On birthdays, ancestors are served up their favorite cake on our altar along with this blessing. Regularly, we brew our ancestors coffee and serve it with this blessing. We also make a point of doing this ritual anytime an intention comes to fruition, or we are feeling grateful to the spirits that protect us. We consider this blessing our ancestors’ bonus for a job well done, and it’s also a beautiful way of connecting with our loved ones who have passed. You can use this blessing for all of these reasons or for whatever else moves you.

This is also a beautiful blessing to perform when someone you love passes over. We know so many people who have found comfort and connection through the act of creating a physical space for the souls that protect and guide them. This blessing does exactly that. 


  • 1 stick incense of your choice
  • Cross, rosary, or sacred personal item that represents your ancestors
  • Picture of your ancestors
  • Food offering of your choice, such as bread, fruit, or one of your ancestor’s favorite meals
  • 1 glass of water, poured into a glass reserved for ritual use
  • Shot glass of white vodka or coffee


  • White plate, for ritual use
  • 6 books
  • 2 candles in glass candleholders


Ritual Instructions:

Light the incense to clear your space. Set all of the items except for the six books on your altar. You may remove the food offering after the first day or leave it on your altar for the duration of your ritual or for however long feels right to you.

Light one of the candles on your altar as you focus on gratitude to your ancestors. You will continue lighting that candle over the course of the next 6 days until it burns down, at which point you will light the second candle. On the second day, place a book under your candle and focus on your gratitude as you light the candle again. For the next five days, place one additional book under the candle per day until you have placed all six books under the candle. Symbolically, you are providing your ancestors with light for seven days as you raise them higher and higher off the Earth plane with your gratitude for their assistance.

Throughout this seven-day period, continue talking to your ancestors, both when you are at your altar and when you are not, asking them to connect with you and show you signs. This is an incredibly powerful ritual, so don’t be surprised if odd things happen. Your TV or radio might turn on or off. You might catch a whiff of your grandma’s perfume or discover that a white butterfly flits into your car. There will be some movement, so don’t be afraid. Your ancestors are just saying hello and thank you in response to your blessing, letting you know that they are listening and acknowledging the open channel you have created. If you notice any messages, pay attention, acknowledge them, and say thank you.

On the seventh day, allow your candle to continue burning until it has completely burned down. Your ritual is now complete.

Once you have done your ritual, we suggest you have a journal to log all the signs that come in that show your ancestors have heard you and are reaching out. Try not to block the communication by thinking things are a coincidence or just luck. You are a magical being and are more than capable of connecting to other energies outside of the physical form.



Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas are the Founders of House of Intuition, which has grown from a small shop offering crystals, tarot, and intuitive services to one of the largest, well-known metaphysical brands in the U.S. Currently, there are numerous store locations sprinkled throughout California and Florida, with plans for more on the horizon. In addition to handcrafting an array of ritual tools such as magic intention candles and oils, House of Intuition offers a cosmic classroom of esoteric subjects, metaphysical services, and House of Intuition TV, a digital platform focused on sharing knowledge of spiritual practices that bring healing, perspective, and magic. They are also newly published authors of "YOUR INTUITION LED YOU HERE: Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic"—a part memoir/part ritual guide written to dispel the myths and uncover the truths of the modernized metaphysical world.

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