Cycle Tracking With the Sacred Cycles Journal

Cycle Tracking With the Sacred Cycles Journal

Whether you experience a monthly bleed or not, we can all learn how to cycle track to connect to our body's inner wisdom and the Earth's natural rhythms. Continue on to discover what cycle tracking is, how you can get started, and what else is in store in our new cycle tracking journal, The Sacred Cycles Journal.

What is Cycle Tracking?

Cycle tracking is the process of recording your inner rhythms and patterns to learn more about yourself and how you connect to the world around you. This helps you understand your own self deeper and helps you create a newfound appreciation for your body's cyclical processes.

Cycle tracking is for everyone, regardless of whether or not you have a monthly bleed. For those who experience a monthly bleed, cycle tracking is a great way to help you predict when you experience each of the four phases of menstruation and your emotions and habits that correlate with each. The four phases of menstruation include the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase. Within each phase, there is a different hormone story that occurs within the body. For example, the menstrual phase marks the beginning of a cycle and starts on the first day of active bleeding. During this time, all the major hormones involved in this process are at their lowest, making this a low-energy period of the month. To learn more about each phase, check out the Sacred Cycles Journal!

For those who don't experience a monthly bleed, each phase of menstruation also correlates with a specific season and moon phase:

  • Menstrual Phase - New Moon / Winter
  • Follicular Phase - Waxing Moon / Spring
  • Ovulatory Phase - Full Moon / Summer
  • Luteal Phase - Waning Moon / Autumn

Each season or moon phase can act as a starting point for your cycle tracking journey. How do you feel during the Full Moon versus the New Moon? Do you notice energy shifts from Winter to Spring? These are important questions to ask as you begin your journey and discover how your body adjusts to the Earth's cycles.

How to Get Started

Our Sacred Cycles Journal includes blank cycle tracking sheets with prompts and reflection questions to help you on your journey. Each spread begins with a monthly layout that can be used throughout the year. While there are numbers to help you track each day of the month, the spreads themselves are not dated, so you can use this journal whenever you choose! If you experience a monthly bleed, there is a droplet that can be filled in for active bleeding days. Otherwise, there is space in the image for you to record your emotions, feelings, habits, and other pieces you'd like to write down. Tracking how you felt during each phase and recording how long each cycle lasts is a great way to help you predict future cycles moving forward.

What Else Is in the Journal?

The Sacred Cycles Journal is your interactive guide that you can consult as you begin to cycle track and understand your body in a deeper way. Along with information on cycle tracking, how to use the blank spreads, and what each phase means, there is a corresponding mantra and Moon Magic Ritual for each phase. You'll be able to learn what it means to bleed with a Waxing Moon, or a Pink Moon Cycle, versus the Full Moon, or a Red Moon Cycle. You'll also find bleeding rituals that you can practice to help you connect deeper to your monthly bleed, as well as oracle spreads that you can use with our Sacred Cycles Oracle!

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