Evoke Elevating Qualities of the Air Element by Goddess Provisions

Evoke Elevating Qualities of the Air Element

The Air element consists of the qualities of dry, light, and subtle. Air is also associated with the mind, the intellect, clarity, and positivity.

In the zodiac, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra are Air signs. Air signs can be described as intellectual, clever, curious, perceptive, objective, idealistic, cooperative, and communicative.

Along with a strong need to feel liberated and free, balance is important to Air signs. Since they have an inherent ability to see from various perspectives, they strive for fairness and are often considered peacekeepers. With a strong tendency to remain in the higher spheres, they want to help make the world a better place for all to live.

Here are four ways you can evoke these elevating qualities of the Air element in your daily practice.

1. Aromatherapy

Evoke Elevating Qualities of the Air Element by Goddess Provisions

Just as the winds deliver messages, air carries scent, like the vibrant smell of an approaching rain storm, crisp fall leaves, or a neighbor's bonfire.

Aromas entering into the nose send signals to the limbic system, activating emotions, memories, and instincts. This is how aromatherapy can be used as a mood elevating tool.

2. Mindful Breathing

Evoke Elevating Qualities of the Air Element by Goddess Provisions

You are constantly interacting with Air through the breath. Before beginning a breath practice, it can be nice to first clear your sinuses by using a neti pot, blowing your nose, using aromatherapy, or a combination of all three.

When your sinuses are clear, begin inhaling and exhaling through your nose. Since the nasal passageways are smaller than the mouth, breathing through your nose will help calm and focus your mind.

As you pay attention to the flow of breath, notice how it feels in your body, in your nose, throat, lungs, chest and belly. Feel your inhale. Then your exhale. On each inhale, visualize Air invigorating all the cells in your body. With each exhale, notice yourself lighter, uplifted, and liberated.

3. Consume Airy Food & Drink

Evoke Elevating Qualities of the Air Element by Goddess Provisions

To create lightness and movement in the body and clarity in the mind, you can eat foods that increase Air element including:

  • Vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower

  • Legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and edamame

  • Nuts like macadamia nuts and walnuts

  • Lightweight grains like oats, popcorn, and amaranth

  • Dried fruits like currants, dates, and goji berries

  • Consume things with bitter/astringent tastes like coffee, black tea, chocolate, ACV, and other fermented food & drink

4. Observe the Wind

Evoke Elevating Qualities of the Air Element by Goddess Provisions

It is believed that wind transmits messages and delivers new inspirations or clues as to what will come.

Take time on a breezy day to sit back and watch how the wind guides the clouds and the trees. Listen to the whooshing and whirling. Let go of preconceived notions and open yourself to wind as though you’re waiting to hear its secrets.

If you're interested in the elements and living a balanced life, subscribe to our monthly Goddess Provisions Box for magical goodies sent right to your door. 

We’d love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and let us know how you connect with the Air element!

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