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Goddess Blog

Using a Bagua Map to Amplify Your Space

A bagua map is used by feng shui practitioners to optimize the energy of a home. Learn more about this map and how you can apply it to your home.

2 years ago

Using a Bagua Map

2 years ago

If you are familiar with feng shui, you’ll know that it is a practice that incorporates rearranging your home or garden to create more balance and harmony within your life. A bagua map takes that one step further, mapping out your home into nine sections that correlate with different areas of life. Continue on to learn more about this map and how you can use it to help create more space for positive energy to flow throughout your home.

What is a Bagua Map?

Using a Bagua Map

A bagua map divides your home into nine sections: Wealth & Prosperity, Fame & Reputation, Love & Relationships, Family & Ancestors, Heath & Center, Children & Creativity, Knowledge & Self-cultivation, Career & Life Purpose, and Travel & Community. Each section also correlates with a specific element and color, all of which you can use to further amplify the intentions of the space. Bagua means “eight areas” in Chinese, so looking at the map above, we can interpret this as eight sections around the yellow Center square. A bagua map can appear like the one pictured or as an octagon.

How to Incorporate a Bagua Map in Your Home

To begin using a bagua map, first align it so your front entrance sits at the bottom of the map (so along Knowledge & Self-cultivation, Career & Life Purpose, and Travel & Community). If you live in an apartment, this may be easier to do. In homes or uniquely shaped places, you can either apply the map in the best way you can or apply it in one room (living room, bedroom, etc.). Once you have determined the map within your space, then you can start to go through and work within each section. Remember to clean and cleanse each space once you remove items and begin to place them back accordingly.

The Bagua Map Sections

Wealth & Prosperity

Focus on this area to help welcome abundance into your life. The color associated here is purple, and the element is wood. It’s often encouraged to incorporate thriving plants into this area, so combining these could look like purchasing a plant with purple leaves or flowers. This is also a great space to set up a money altar or bowl. 

Fame & Reputation

This space represents how you are perceived in the outside world. The color here is red, and the element associated with this space is fire. Including some candles that can burn in a safe spot would be great here, as well as reds, warmer colors, and things with triangular shapes.

Love & Relationships

Incorporate items into this space to focus on self-love and prospering relationships. Pinks are good to include here as well as anything that represents the element of earth. Stones like rose quartz and kunzite could be placed here. The colors red and white could also be included in this space, which may look like selenite, clear quartz, and carnelian.

Family & Ancestors

Your roots and family life are the focus of this area. The color green is associated here, along with the element of wood. Again, you can incorporate thriving plants here to bring additional life into the home as well as a soothing element. Wood furniture would be great in this space, so you could visit your local thrift stores to find wood or rattan furniture that you can repurpose.

Heath & Center

This section establishes the foundation for the rest of the home, so it’s important to keep this area clean and free of clutter to allow energy to move freely throughout the space. Yellow items can be placed here as well as those that represent the earth. 

Children & Creativity

Use this space to tap into your creative abilities and nurture your inner child. The element associated with this space is metal, so play around with sculptures or unique pieces you’ve encountered. The color for this space is white, and while white may not be something you associate with unleashing your inner child, think about white as the start of a canvas or a blank document before you begin to write.

Knowledge & Self-cultivation

This space represents all you practice to develop mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s a great spot to keep your bookcases (or at least a few books) that are your favorite self-help or self-transformation books. The color associated here is blue, along with the element of earth.

Career & Life Purpose

Your dreams, aspirations, and anything career-related will fall within this space of the home. The element associated is water, so including a water feature like a small fountain or a photo of water would be great. Dark colors such as black, dark gray, and dark blue can also be added here.

Travel & Community

Traveling is a big focus here, and while many of us may not be able to travel all of the time, you can still use this place to highlight where you’ve been or would like to go. The color for this space is gray or white, and the element is metal, but this can also be a place where you could hang your travel vision board.

 Using a Bagua Map