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Ethereal Embers available at Goddess Provisions
Ethereal Embers available at Goddess Provisions
Ethereal Embers available at Goddess Provisions
Ethereal Embers available at Goddess Provisions
Ethereal Embers available at Goddess Provisions
Regular price Sale price
$10.00   $8.00

Ethereal Embers Fire Magic Packet

Unit price per

Ethereal Embers adds a range of vibrant colors to fire for up to 10 minutes. Combine the powers of color magic and fire energy to create beautiful rituals and spells!

Instructions: Place unopened packet at the high point of any indoor/outdoor wood fire to be mesmerized by rainbow magic. Add additional packets as needed.

Caution: Irritant. Harmful if swallowed. Keep out of reach of children. Do not open packet. Do not cook over Ethereal Embers.

Contains: Cupric Sulfate-CuSO4, Polyvinyl Chloride-(CHw-CHCI)n, Calcium Carbonate-CaCO3, Cupric Chloride-CuCl2


  • Set of 3 packets, 10 g each
  • Each packet burns for approx. 10 minutes

🌲 Your order plants a tree and will ship within 1-4 business days. US shipping is free on orders $60+. We ship worldwide.

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