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Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Book by DreamyMoons available at Goddess Provisions
Manifest Book by DreamyMoons available at Goddess Provisions
Manifest Book by DreamyMoons available at Goddess Provisions
Manifest Book by DreamyMoons available at Goddess Provisions
Manifest Book by DreamyMoons available at Goddess Provisions
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons
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$25.00   $20.00

Manifest Workbook by DreamyMoons

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Manifestation is a process of bringing your dream, intention or idea into physical world. It is a practice of turning your thoughts into reality. 'Manifest' breaks down manifestation into three parts. Power of Mind, Power of the Universe, and Action. The impossible becomes possible when all three forces come together. Second half of the book is an interactive section for writing, goal setting, and vision boards.

 ✨ Details:

  • Measures 4" x 6"
  • Written & iluustrated by Annie Tarasova
  • 168 pages

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