Your Goddess Guide to Using a Pendulum

Your Goddess Guide to Using a Pendulum

To help you tap into your intuition for guidance and inspiration, we've written step-by-step instructions for how to start using a pendulum below.

1. Cleanse your crystal

Crystals store huge amounts of information, so before you ask it to reveal hidden information about you, be sure to clear your pendulum before each session. Charge your crystal in sunlight, moonlight or cleanse it with a burning bundle, palo santo or incense.

2. Attune your pendulum with your body

  • Create the connection with your pendulum by taking 3 deep breaths to come into your body and the present moment.
  • Hold the pendulum with your receiving (non-dominant) hand at the top of the chain with the crystal dangling straight down. Do what you need to be comfortable holding this position for a few minutes. You might like to rest your elbow on a table.
  • Use your other hand to help the pendulum come to complete stillness.
  • Channel your “YES!” Feel into the experience of a strong feeling of YES! and observe any movement in your pendulum. The movement can vary, it might spin in a clockwise/counterclockwise direction, it may swing back and forth, side to side, or it could hover to one side of your receiving hand. Take a mental note of what you’re noticing and remember that this is what your yes looks like.
  • Bring your pendulum to stillness again with your dominant hand.
  • Channel your “NO!” and observe the movement. Remember how your NO presents itself through your pendulum.
  • Record the movements of the pendulum for "maybe" "unsure" or "rephrase" responses, if you so choose.

If you're unsure, use a pendulum board to take the guesswork out. The board will show your pendulum where to swing for your yes or no answers.

3. Have a conversation

Now that you know how to listen to your pendulum, ask yourself yes or no questions then watch, listen and learn how you truly feel.

Pause between each question. Before diving into your next inquiry ask your pendulum to stop or halt the movement with your free hand.

Pendulums can be used in a myraid of ways including to open and balance chakras, assess the energy of a physical item, harmonize the frequency of a crystal grid and more.

For more goddess goodies like rune stones, aromatherapy, crystals and more be sure subscribe to our monthly Goddess Provisions box and you'll receive a magical surprise in your mailbox each month.

Have fun with this and let us know what insights you discover on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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