The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye by Goddess Provisions

The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye

Each crystal that you may come across has its own vibration and spiritual properties. When you are working with your third eye, you want to make sure that you are grounded, protected, and have stones that help open those channels. We've compiled five of our favorite stones to help you tune into your intuition and connect with your third eye.


The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye by Goddess Provisions

When embarking on your spiritual journey, it's important that you keep a calm and clear mind. Letting yourself feel overrun by negative thoughts or pressure will only set you back further on your path. Sodalite is a great stone to turn to when you are just starting out and looking to create a spiritual foundation. It can help to clear the mind and ease any emotions that may not serve you. This stone can also help to unblock stagnant energy in your third eye and crown chakras so you can communicate clearly with your guides.

Sodalite encourages you to welcome balance into your life. Without balance, everything can appear in disarray, making it hard to truly quiet the mind and do the deep spiritual work that you are trying to do. This is also a great beginner stone to help tap into your intuitive abilities.


The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye by Goddess Provisions

Amethyst is a stone of wisdom and is popular within the spiritual community for a reason. This purple stone is gentle yet powerful in its connection to the higher chakras, making it a great ally for divination, intuition, and meditation. Known for helping to improve psychic abilities, hold this stone during your meditations to help receive messages from your guides or ancestors.

Amethyst can also help improve sleep and reduce stress and anxiety. When working with an area as sensitive as the third eye, it's important that you add an element of protection to your practice. In addition to its calming effects, Amethyst also helps to dispel negative energy from a space.


The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye by Goddess Provisions

Auralite-23 is a dynamic stone with an incredibly high vibration and the power to really take your intuition and connection to the next level. Auralite-23 is recognized by the inclusions inside the stone, created by Amethyst and the additional 23 minerals that it can be made up of, including Titanite, Cacoxene, Lepidocrite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite, and Rutile. Hold on to your meditation cushion and enjoy the ride because Auralite-23 is sure to take you to new energetic heights.

This stone is known as one of the master healers. In addition to assisting with intuitive and psychic abilities, Auralite-23 can help you heal your inner child, dive into your Akashic Records, and experience deep and profound meditations. You could also turn to this stone if you are working to release habits that are no longer serving you, as well as karmic patterns.


The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye by Goddess Provisions

Labradorite is a beautiful stone that glimmers blues, greens, oranges, and yellows as light reflects off of it. It makes the magic of the universe feel so much more close to home, and with its help, can assist you in connecting with that magic even more. This stone of magic can assist you in awakening your psychic abilities and ward off any negative energy that may interfere along the way. Labradorite encourages you to go to after the dreams you wish for yourself and discover how powerful you truly are.

Its connection to the throat chakra will also encourage you to speak kindly while also not holding back the truth. Your words have power, and on the journey to expanding your consciousness, words can do wonders in creating magic within your life. Labradorite is also believed to help reduce stress and bring emotional balance into your life.

Lemurian Quartz

The Top 5 Crystals for Activating Your Third Eye by Goddess Provisions

Another master healer, Lemurian Quartz is believed to be the remnants of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. The concept of Lemuria was brought to the collective in 1864 by Philip Lutley Sclater, a British lawyer and zoologist. He believed that this continent was between India, Africa, and Australia, and sank to the bottom of the ocean. The occupants of this continent, the Lemurians, were said to be a highly advanced yet peaceful people who had a vast knowledge of human existence and connection to Source energy. The horizontal lines found on Lemurian Quartz are believed to be the ancient memories and wisdom left behind by the Lemurians, in hopes that one day their knowledge would be accessed again.

Using this stone will remind you of the power that you were born with and provide you with the confidence to continue your inner work and become the highest version of yourself. Lemurian Quartz will urge you to heal yourself and then share your gifts with others in the hopes that one day we can all come together and remember that we all came from a source of divine love.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat or prevent any disease.

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If you are looking for other crystals to help you on your spiritual path, check out 6 Crystals for Shadow Work.

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