What is Charm Casting?

Divination is an umbrella term for so many different magical practices that you can incorporate into your routine. Charm casting is one of those methods, and it involves a deep connection with your tools.
Charm casting uses tools such as jewelry, crystals, rocks, natural elements, or other materials to create a kit that you use to “throw.” The throwing process incorporates a mat or altar cloth and your charms. To throw, you just need to make sure that the pieces that you have picked land randomly on your mat. The interaction between the charms, where they land on the mat, and your intuition are all used to interpret your reading and relay divine messages.
How Do I Charm Cast?

To begin your charm casting process, first create a kit of your own or use a kit like ours in our January Ritual Magick Box. If you are creating a kit of your own, look for 10-15 different pieces that speak to you. Once you have your pieces, assign each of them a meaning. These meanings can look like Self/Consciousness, Focus, Romantic Partner, Learning, Emotional Honesty, Ancestors, Finances, Emotional Health, Something Hidden, Communication, Personal Power, Challenge, Friends and Family, Foundations, Career, New Ideas, Cause and Effect, Strength, Loss, Heart’s Needs and Wants, and whatever else you feel would be an important theme to include.
Become connected with your kit by cleansing it and then keeping it with you. Place it on your bedside table, carry it with you in your bag, and work with it daily. This way, you can learn more about each piece and become comfortable with your kit. Before you do a reading, make sure to cleanse your space and the kit each time, to help clear any energy from the previous reading.

To learn more about Charm Casting, you can access the Charm Casting 101 course from our very own Content Witch, Christy! In her course, Christy walks you through what charm casting is, the history of charm casting, how to create your own kit, how to interpret your throw, and a guided meditation. This course is included as a bonus in our January Ritual Magick Box, so be sure to check it out!