Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy by Goddess Provisions

Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy

We're honored to have Laura McCann, the CEO and co-founder of Adoratherapy, here showing us how to amplify manifestation rituals with the power of scent.

Set the Intention

Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy by Goddess Provisions

Start with defining the more general areas of your life where you'd like to attract abundance and then add detail. Think of this as a radio station and you are looking for your favorite type of music, then your favorite band, and then your favorite song as you turn the dial (I know this is so analog!).

Visualize your abundance. Focus on areas such as love, money, or health. Hear them in your mind as a voice or write them down on paper. I find it is important to leave words like wanting or needing out of your language, instead using words like creation, possibility, or desire.

The vibration created by your conscious and empowered word choices will attract source energy in an equal vibration. This matching of vibration is like turning that radio dial and getting tuned in instead of hearing static.  

 Anchor your Desire Through Breath

Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy by Goddess Provisions

Creating a ritual around manifesting abundance is a wonderful way to sing your most beautiful inner song, a ballad of your heart, body, and mind aligned to bring in what’s most desired.

There are many ways to anchor your practice from meditation to crystal healing, prayer, gratitude, journaling, or stating affirmations.

Scent is a powerful addition to your abundance ritual because there is a powerful connection between olfaction and the limbic center of your brain which regulates your physiology including mood, memory, and emotion.

When breathing in essential oils, incense, herb bundles, flowers, or herbs, you can literally transform how you feel in the moment, positively shifting the way you relate to yourself, your personal and professional relations, and ultimately the world around you.

The memory of your ritual can be re-animated when you smell that scent again. Think of this as muscle memory through your nose!

Practice Makes Perfect

Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy by Goddess Provisions

  • Pick a quiet space and a time with few distractions. Depending on your preferred practice, devote at least 30 minutes to your Abundance Ritual.
  • Turn off your phone! If possible, leave it in another room, unless you are using it, in which case definitely choose vibrate.
  • Sit in a comfortable position surrounded by the objects you will use.
  • Introduce your scent. I use several pre-blended essential oils including a room spray to surround me and cleanse the room as well as a roll-on oil blend which I roll on my third eye, pulse points, and palms.

Breathe in deeply three times, anchoring the scent with your breath.

Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy by Goddess Provisions

  • Next, follow your flow and use intuition to guide you or choose a script ahead of time and begin. Here is what I say:  
I am in the flow of abundance and prosperity (this is the “radio channel”).  All aspects of my life from love to wealth flow with ease and grace (this is “my band”). As I experience being able to support my dreams and desires with money, support, love, and healing, I open myself to the possibilities of my highest self (this is “my song”). I breathe in all the universe has to gift me. I breathe out all that will be left behind to create the space for the most benevolent outcome.
    • Then forget the words and focus on the feeling of your intention. Go back to a place where you felt your heart open, your wallet full, a moment of pure excitement, and self-gratification, and let your senses overcome you.
    • Remember this feeling as you breathe in the aromas surrounding you. Consciously connect the smell with the senses.

    Amplify your Abundance Ritual with Aromatherapy by Goddess Provisions

    • Sticking with our radio analogy, this is where you remember the song playing in the background of your first kiss, or the soundtrack of the summer where you and your best friend traveled around the world together, the song on the stereo of your car when you drove home after getting that big promotion. You will know you have made this connection when you are lost in the memory and overcome with emotion.
    • Now, let it all go. Send it out and leave it behind, knowing that soon enough you will, through some synchronicity of your own creation, become clear that your intention for abundance was received and that the Universe is winking at you.
    • Choose to reinforce your intention for abundance daily. I do a simpler version of this before I shut my eyes at night or before I jump out of bed. I also use the same aromatherapy spray and roll on throughout my day.

    When I take in the scent with a deep breath, it is often the best breath of my day, and not only is my conscious desire for abundance activated, but my subconscious one is too!

    This is like getting to hear your favorite album.

    So much gratitude to Laura for sharing this beautiful wisdom. A passionate seeker, Laura's journey is to create a life filled with self-love as the foundation for personal transformation. This too is at the heart of Adoratherapy and its Mood Boost, Chakra Boost, and Room Boost collections.  

    For more goddess goodies like aromatherapy essentials, subscribe to our monthly Goddess Provisions Box.

    Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and let us know what form of abundance you're calling in!

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